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Factions Rules

Factions Rules

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Tier 1 Rules

Punishments in this tier will follow the ladder below:

Offence #1: Warning

Offence #2: 30m mute

Offence #3: 1h mute

Offence #4: 3h mute

Offence #5: 6h mute

Offenders who have more than 5 punishments for this offence will receive punishment at management's discretion.

Mute history expires at the end of the map.

  • Chat Trolling

    Any chat sent to another player/s that might negatively affect them, or might be misleading with ill intentions.


    - "/ci confirm to get a free set"

  • Spamming

    Spamming is defined as any form of spam content (commands or chat) that is visible to other players. Spamming, or promoting spamming is not allowed.


    - Spamming the same/similar 5 messages in a row in global chat, i.e. advertising selling in-game items.

    - Spamming an unusual amount of characters or irregular characters, i.e. “[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]”

    - Spamming commands that are visible by other player/s, i.e. repeatedly /f invite and /f deinviting a player.

    - Promoting any sort of spam, i.e. “Say 1 if you want 100 dollars in-game.”

    - Spamming capital letters such as "OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"

  • Advertising an IRL Trade

    Advertising a trade for any in-game items for IRL currency such as (PayPal, CashApp, Venmo, Crypto, and etc.) or vice versa in any chat is against the rules and will lead to a punishment. This includes trades involving other servers or games.

  • Tier 2 Rules

    Punishments in this tier will follow the ladder below:

    Offence #1: 1d Mute

    Offence #2: 3d Mute

    Offence #3: 1d Ban

    Offence #4: 3d Ban

    Offence #5: Permmute and 7d Ban (Appeal EOTW)

    Mute & ban history expires at the end of the map.

  • Suicidal Encouragement

    Any form of suicidal/death encouragement said to another player or faction about anyone is not allowed. This rule is enforced in all chats (Faction Chat, DMs, Public, etc.)


    - "KYS"

    - "Hang yourself"

    - "End your life"

  • Excessive Player/Staff Disrespect

    An extreme amount of disrespect towards any player or staff member. Any references to events or terms that users may find distressing. This includes but is not limited to jokes or mentions relating to rape or pedophilia.

  • Discrimination

    Discriminating against users. This includes (but is not limited to) illnesses, diseases, disabilities, race, religion, culture, gender identities or expressions, and sexual orientations.Calling someone "retard" (and its word variants) will result in a 6hr mute for the first offence. Words such as "autistic or sped" will still follow the punishments listed within this tier.

  • Inappropriate Chat Content

    Inappropriate chat content is any chat content that is viewed as inappropriate, offensive or abusive. An example of this would be talking about ‘Rape’, ‘Pedophilia’, ‘Pornography’, or ‘Drugs’.

  • Inappropriate Item Names

    Players are not allowed to rename items that have inappropriate names, symbols, or drawings. If players do not rename it after being asked, an admin will take the item and it will not be returned.

  • Safezone Noise Spamming

    Making intolerable noises next to/in a safe zone will result in a punishment (1d ban.)

  • Tier 3 Rules

    Punishments in this tier will follow the ladder below:

    Offence #1: 3d Ban

    Offence #2: 7d Ban

    Offence #3: 14d Ban

    Offence #4: 30d Ban

    Offence #5: Permanent Ban

    Offenders who have more than 5 punishments for this offence will receive punishment at management's discretion. Some offenses may warrant a strike.

    Ban history expires at the end of the map.

  • Inappropriate Builds

    Building anything (including pixel arts) which can be deemed as inappropriate by the staff team. This could include but is not limited to Genitalia, Swastika and other extremist symbols.

  • Piston Pushing

    Pushing pistons into other factions' claims is strictly forbidden. This includes but is not limited to pulling blocks from a faction's claims or modifying blocks in a faction's claim. Repeated offenders from the same faction will receive a faction related punishment.

  • Illegal Block Use

    Placing, pushing, or doing anything to a block (or creating a similar scenario) that inhibits a player's ability to pot is not allowed. Additionally, hitting a player into something that does this is also not allowed. You may hit players into Cobwebs, but you may not place cobwebs on a players head.

  • Block Glitching

    Breaking blocks and/or glitching through blocks to hit someone which leads to their death directly or indirectly is not permitted. In most cases, if it was done accidental, players will be warned for this action, but will be banned if they continue to do so. This rule is situational.

  • Teaming in Events

    Teaming with anyone who is not on your team in any event will result in a punishment. The rule includes all events, minigames, expeditions, conquest, citadel, and all other events. Players cannot join a faction mid-event (conquest and citadel only), and then go participate in the event.

  • Gen Trapping

    Any form of using genbuckets to confine a player into a trap or confined area isn't allowed.

  • Kick and Kill

    You cannot kick faction members to kill them for their sets, this includes leaving a faction to kill them.

  • Running/Camping in a Duel

    When a player in a duel where anything is at risk (Risk Inventory, Wager Duels, Ranked) tries to avoid fighting for a significant amount of time (1-2 Minutes) with no intention of fighting. This includes but is not limited to: running, pearling away, camping, ect.

  • Evading Death Bans

    You cannot evade death bans in any form, including hopping on alts.

  • Event Alting

    Using your main account and alternate accounts in the same event will result in a punishment. If seen, you will be kicked from the event, but if you consistently join the events will alternate accounts you will get the punishment according to the rule. This includes using proxies to bring an alt into voyages or dungeons.

  • Farm Limits

    The maximum size a farm can be is 8x8 chunks. All farms will be considered a base and must be adhere to all base rules. Any farm bigger than this will be removed by staff.

  • Derp Limits

    Derps are allowed, but they must adhere to the following rules. A lot of these rules are up to staff discretion.

    - Crushing style derps which cause suffocation to another player are not allowed. This includes pushing someone into a 1x1 where the person for a second get suffocated then moved to the 1x1. To avoid this, it is recommended to use glass on your crushers.

    - You are not allowed to use an unreasonable amount of string in a singular chunk (this is to prevent server lag and crash crunks.) Excessive string will be removed by a staff member. If you're told multiple times to remove your string by a staff member you will be punished under this rule.

    - You may not use blocks such as enderchests on the floor or walls that don't allow enemies to pot.

    - Abusing bugs to get out of derps will result in your load out being confiscated.

  • Outpost Alting

    You cannot hold more than 1 outpost/stronghold at a time using alt facs. This excludes the raid outpost.

  • Tier 4 Rules

    Punishments in this tier will follow the ladder below:

    Offence #1: 7d ban

    Offence #2: 14d ban

    Offence #3: 30d ban

    Offence #4: 3h Permanent Ban (appealable)

    Offenders who have more than 4 punishments for this offence will receive punishment at management's discretion.

    Ban history expires at the end of the map.

  • Griefing Minecadia Official Builds

    Any grief that may be done to any Minecadia official build with ill intentions to negatively affect Minecadia.

  • Combat Evasion

    Evading the combat tagging system. This includes a machine using ender pearls to escape areas that are specific times or allowing a pearl to sit in stasis whilst the chunk is unloaded. Pre-pearls are still allowed.

  • Arcade Saferoom Camping

    Camping (or entering) saferooms to kill players that are currently in a 1v1 at arcade is strictly against the rules.

  • Minor Glitching

    Abusing any minor glitch for personal advantage. For any major glitches, see the Major Glitching rule.


    - F11'ing or holding down right/left click while AFK to upgrade pets.

    - Freezing your game.

    - Punch bowing in expeditions

    - Pearl Glitching. For rules regarding pearl glitching, click here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QuCpQqstEmFAlavYX8haUVUCbiyMBl4hg00WSP4eqc0/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=108736081402971808047

  • PVP Trapping and Tp Trapping

    PVP Trapping is when a player sets up a /pvp in an enclosed spaced where players can't escape. TP Trapping is teleporting a player into an enclosed space where they cannot escape.

  • Fake Warps

    The creation of fake warps and the use of them for scamming purposes is against the rules. This includes participating in scams by acting afk.

  • Challenge Alting

    Using more than 1 account to get positions on a challenge is not allowed.

  • Leaderboard Position Alting

    Using alt/s to boost player's own or other player's leaderboard position. This rule applies for all leaderboards. Any form of boosting (other players, friends, one's self, etc) is also included in this rule. In addition to the ban, the offending player/s will also be disqualified.

  • Deleting/Privating Evidence

    All evidence you submit must not be deleted or privated after a punishment/revive has been issued until a week has passed. This is due to appealing reasons. Players who do this will be banned until the evidence is reuploaded.

  • Scamming

    Scamming players for in-game items is stricly prohibited. Player caught scamming will be punished, and all items that were scammed will be confiscated from your account (YOU WILL NOT BE REFUNDED, TRADE AT YOUR OWN RISK). Saying "no refunds" is still scamming. All scamming reports must have a video showing the entire interaction in order to punish the offender.


    - AH & ICF Scamming by renaming an item to another item's name.)

    - ICF/Trade Scamming by filling another person's inventory to make them drop their items upon completion of the trade/ICF.

    - Voyage Scamming by advertising selling voyage entries for a price, and then not teleporting them (not upholding the deal you advertised in any way.)

    - Trying to sell a set that you know will get revived with the purpose of scamming another player.

  • Tier 5 Rules (Hacking Related)

    Punishments in this tier will follow the ladder below:

    Offence #1: 14d Ban (Banned by staff, or player frozen and logged out while being frozen, Appeal after minimum of 7d)

    Offence #2: 21d Ban (Player SS’d and Illegal Modifications found, Appeal after minimum of 10d)

    Offence #3: 30d Ban (Player SS'd and SkidSearch logins found, Appeal after minimum of 14d)

    Offenders who have more than 3 punishments for this offence will receive punishment at management's discretion.

    Players who are frozen and/or brought in to be screenshares may admit/confess to cheating and/or using blacklisted modifications and keep their inventory. Players who do not admit/confess upfront and have a screenshare performed (applies for both echo and manual screenshares) and are found guilty will have their inventory removed from their person. Any attempt to bypass, find a loophole, or argue semantics/technicalities will fall under the common sense rule and will not be tolerated.

    Players are permitted to account share at their own discretion. However, the player who shared their account will be held liable for any punishment and or rule broken by the player who the account was shared with.

  • Admission of Hacking

    If you have been frozen by a member of staff and you admit to your wrongdoings, you will be punished for a shorter time (Every offence for this increases by 7 days ).

  • Logging to Avoid Being Screenshared

    Logging out/Disconnecting to avoid being ss'd, i.e, after a tournament will DQ player(s) from the rewards.

  • Use of Blacklisted Modifications

    Any use of disallowed software, or hardware modifications. Read Disallowed/Allowed Modifications under the "Miscellaneous" tab.

  • Cheating in Voyages

    Cheating in any voyage to give yourself an unfair advantage over a regular player is not allowed. Any attempt to complete the room in a manner that is not intended (such as speed completing or skipping aspects of the room) is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to, printing, blinking, vclipping etc. Any attempt to bypass or find a loophole around this rule will fall under the common sense rule. Player(s) who are found cheating are subject to the entire voyage being force stopped.

  • Skidsearch Login

    Having a SkidSearch login that is accessible on any browser is not permitted. If admitted before screenshare is taken, your punishment will be shortened.

  • Admitting to Cracking Accounts

    Admitting to hacking, cracking or accessing another user’s account without their consent.

  • Punishment Evasion

    Evading punishments will increase the length of your main account's punishment by 7 days.

  • Tier 6 Rules

    Punishments in this tier will follow the ladder below:

    Offence #1: 30d ban (Can Appeal)

    Offence #2: Permanent Ban (Can Appeal)

    Offenders who have more than 2 punishments for this offence will receive punishment at management's discretion.

    Ban history expires at the end of the map.

  • Buycraft Scamming

    - Scamming users in trades that involve Buycraft purchases.

  • Scripting/Botting

    - Chat botting/scripting/macro'ing is not allowed on the server. Punishment will default to admin discretion

    - Any use of spam botting chat is not allowed, this includes creating/disbanding factions, private DMS and spamming any other command which is visible by players.

    - If you are caught scripting any kind of farm, the farm will be removed by staff. Your faction will also recieve a strike per scripting ban.

  • Major Glitching

    - Any glitching that may significantly affect the server/season. Examples include spawnning bosses on koth/citadel caps, phasing (varies), etc.

  • Association with Blacklist Evaders

    - Any association with a blacklisted player will result in a 14 day ban.

  • Fake Proof

    Attempting to use fake or modify/edit proof to receive personal gain/advantage and or to get another player/faction banned. The punishment would be reversed on the person reporting resulting in the report and its subsequent evidence to be void.

  • Inappropriate Account

    Any username/skin/cape/profile-picture/status that violates our rules. (You are banned until changed)

  • VPN Use

    Use of any VPN is prohibited.

  • Clearing Recycling Bin Before Screenshare

    Clearing your recycling bin before a screenshare is prohibited.

  • Refusal to Screenshare

    If you refuse to accept a screenshare you will be punished according to the ladder of this tier.

  • Recording During a Screenshare

    Recording whilst being screenshared is not allowed.

  • Tier 7 Rules

    Punishments in this tier will follow the ladder below:

    Offence #1: Management's Discretion

    [Removal from Network]

    Offenders who have more than 2 punishments for this offence will receive punishment at management's discretion.

  • Dox/DDOS Threats/Release/Admission

    Threatening to or releasing the personal information of another user, or admitting to holding personal information. Threatening/Admitting to DDoSing another user.

  • SWAT Threats/Admission

    Threatening/Admitting to Swatting another user.

  • Malicious Blackmail

    Maliciously blackmailing another user.

  • Glitch Distribution/Withholding Glitches

    Giving or selling glitches to other players and withholding those glitches.

  • Crashing Server

    Attempting to crash the server in any way.

  • Duping

    Any dupe that has been abused will give you a punishment based on management's discretion.

  • Chargeback

    Charging back after buying something from our store. This is non-appealable; the funds must be paid back.

  • Rule Evasion

    If you try to evade any rule or twist any rule to your advantage you may be punished.

  • Lying to Staff

    If you lie to staff you may be punished depending on the severity.

  • Insiding

    Insiding a faction is not allowed, this will be punished with an EOS Ban. If you place any value within the claims of a faction, the owner of that faction now owns that value. Insiding also includes the sabotaging of faction defenses, all involved players will be punished similarly. This applies to all members of the faction. Every situation is handled on a case-by-case basis. Senior staff holds the discretion to determine what is defined as an inside. We highly recommended having your faction enable 2fa to protect against insiding.

  • Impersonating Staff

    Making discord accounts or minecraft acccounts to impersonate staff is not permitted.

  • Strike System

    3 Faction Warnings = 1 Faction Strike

    10 Major Bans = 1 Faction Strike

    Blacklisted Player = 1-2 Faction Strikes Depending on Severity

    All of the strikes information below will be counted at the end of the season. NOTE: all strike reports must be submitted within 24 hours of said offense.

    If a faction who is competing for /f top is found to have received a large amount of major bans, then they will receive faction strikes that reflect their bans. Each winning /f top faction's major bans will be reviewed at the end of the season and be given strikes accordingly. The major bans must have some direct correlation to the faction's success on /f top.

    All strikes will go to the faction that benefits from the broken rule. This will be under Admin Discretion.

    1 Strike = Warning Strike

    2 Strikes = 10% Reduction of Value

    3 Strikes = 20% Reduction of Value

    4 Strikes = 30% Reduction of Value

    5 Strikes = 40% Reduction of Value

    6 Strikes = 50% Reduction of Value

    7 Strikes = DQ

    Note: Certain offenses will result in an instant disqualification. *Strikes Effect Both PVP and F TOP*

    Additionally, due to its nature, cannoning rules are much more subject to changing their punishment on a case-by-case basis.

    Strike team leaders have the ability to change the punishment depending on the severity of the rule broken.

    Cannoning Rules

    These are rules pertaining to cannoning. In most situations, factions will only be striked if their illegal activity had a direct impact on a raid/base. If you are unsure about the legality of a cannon, please open a ticket and ask us first before using it.

  • Illegal Floating

    You can only adjust/float in your own claims. Floating through any other claims other than your own during the path of your shot is prohibited.

    Punishment: 1 Faction Warning + 3d ban to the player that shot.

  • Cannoning Distance

    You can only fire a maximum of 5,000 blocks in any given direction. This distance is measured from your barrel exit location to the block of the base's outermost wall.

    Punishment: 1 Faction Warning + 3d ban to the player that shot.

  • Overstacking Limit

    When using an overstacker, you can only stack 9 blocks above the cannon's barrel height. Any more than 9 sand stacked above your barrel height is illegal.

    Punishment: 2 Faction Warnings + 5d ban to the player that shot.

  • Raid Claim Protection

    Factions will only be striked for breaking the following rules for a raid claim if there is a cannon within those claims or any intentions showing the potential of a raid to occur. Players of the defending or raiding faction may ask staff to remove old raid claims at a base if they are unused for over 24 hours. All cannons (raiding or countering) must follow the rules below (with the exception of buffer counters which have their own set of rules):

    - Up to a 12x12 claim (not including the float.)

    - A cannon's float claims can only be 4c wide and 30c long.

    - You may have up to 2 regens.

    - You may have up to 32 flat walls. All of these flat walls must fit within 4 chunks.

    - You are not allowed to use filters/pilters on a cannon box.

    - You may not have finnster/anti-nuke walls.

    - You may not have oceans (chunks of water to patch in.)

    - Defenses from one of your cannon boxes CANNOT be in line with another one of your cannon boxes.

    Punishment: 1-2 Faction Warnings + 3d-5d ban to the player that created the defenses.

  • Prebuilt Counters

    You may not have pre-built counter cannons inside of your raid claim; however, you may use your raid cannon to counter any counter cannons. Players will only be punished if the prebuilt counter cannon is used.

    Punishment: 1 Faction Strike + 7d ban to the player that shot.

  • Front Countering

    You may not counter a cannon on its' front side. This rule also disallows shooting through someones adjust cobwebs into their cannon box to counter them.

    Punishment: 1 Faction Strike + 5d ban to the player that shot.

  • Disallowed Cannons

    If you are unsure about the legality of a cannon, open a support ticket in our discord before using it. You will be required to supply a video of the cannon firing and the intended use for an admin to look into. All of the following cannons are disallowed on Minecadia:

    - UFusion Cannons (Only allowed in base counters) (2 Strikes)

    - Push Stacking (Push Nuking & Up/Downs are allowed) (2 Strikes)

    - Roof Cannons (2 Strikes) (Falls under "Roof Cannoning" rule.)

    - Anti Gravity Cannons (1 Strike)

    - Alien Probe Cannons (2 Strikes)

    - Worm/Snake Cannons (2 Strikes)

    - Left/Right Cannons (2 Strikes)

    - Diagonal Cannons (3 Strikes)

    - Mid Air Cannons (2 Strikes)

    - Corner Cannons (1 Strike)

    - Phase Cannons (3 Strikes)

    - TNT Arrays (2 Strikes)

    - L Stackers (2 Strikes)

    - Lofters (1 Strike)

    Punishment: x Faction Strikes as listed next to the cannon + 7d ban to the player who shot.

  • Roof Cannoning

    Any cannon that shoots at or blows up at or above Y:255.0 is not allowed. This includes trying to bypass walls by shooting at or above Y:255.0. L-Stackers, Anti-Gravity and Lofter cannons aren't allowed either.

    - Explosions above Y255 is not permitted.

    - Cegging regens or walls at 255 is not permitted.

    Punishment: 2 Faction Strikes + 10d ban to the player who shot.

  • Corner Cannoning

    Corner Cannoning is described as using any cannon that is placed diagonally from the base as shown in the image below. These cannons are considered special raid claims and must follow all of the following protection rules, NOT the ones under "Raid Claim/AntiRaid Claim".

    - Corner Cannoning is NOT allowed.

    Punishment: 1 Faction Strikes + 5d ban to the player who shot.

  • Cannoning Speed

    The cannoning speed limits by Y-Level are as follows:

    - Y1 to Y10: 0.5 seconds

    - Y10.1 to Y255: 3.0 seconds

    In between Y1 and Y10, all components of your cannon must stay below Y10.1. If any of the components of your cannon goes above Y10, then you must adhere to the 3 second rule. However, reverse nuke and up-down cannons are an exception to this. Meaning, only an upwards nuke/tunneller should go above Y10.

    - You are allowed to double-tap while raiding as long as both shots still adhere to the 3-second rule.

    - Cannons that fire multiple shots at once are also included under this rule and are not allowed on Minecadia.

    Punishment: 1 Faction Strike + 5d ban to the player who shot.

  • World Border Use

    You are not allowed to use the world border mechanics in any way to assist you in your raid or defending. Your cannon may not have a flight path within or land within 2 blocks of the world border. Additionally, factions cannot place spawners in the 2 blocks closest to the world border for this reason.

    Punishment: 1 Faction Warning + 3d ban to the player who shot.

  • Raid Cooldown

    The raid cooldown rule states that only one cannon can be fired from one faction at a base at a time.

    - If your cannon blows up or you decide to switch cannons, you must wait the raid cooldown time (10 minutes) to fire a new cannon.

    - A cannon must have stopped firing for at least 10 minutes in order to begin a new raid from a different faction (the raid timer must expire.)

    Punishment: 1 Faction Strike + 5d ban to the player who shot.

  • Illegal Items While Raiding

    You are not permitted to use any specialty items during your raid to aid your cannon in any way at all, or end another player's raid. These items could be but are not limited to:

    - Using cage pets to backstack/shoot off of.

    - Caging the front of another player's barrel so that it implodes.

    - Using frost pets near a cannon to break the cannon's redstone.

    - Using web shooters or frost pets on regens to break their function.

    - Using a rawbie robber on cannon boxes.

    Punishment: 2 Faction Warnings + 5d ban to the player who shot.

  • Multiple Walls per Shot

    In adherance to the 3 second rule, players should only be going through one single wall per 3 seconds. If any cannon goes through more than 1 wall per shot, that is prohibited (vertically or horizontally.) This rule disallows restacking multiple times vertically to go through multiple reverse layers. The tunneller feature of a cannon to bypass dry walls does not apply to this rule and can go through as many walls as you can in one shot.

    Punishment: 2 Faction Warnings + 5d ban to the player who shot.

  • Lag Machines

    Although there is no TNT or dispenser limit for cannons on Minecadia, any cannon that uses an abnormally excessive amount of TNT or redstone activity for the pure intention to lag/distress/drop TPS on the server is not allowed.

    Punishment: 14d ban to the player who shot.

  • Firing While on Shield

    As a raiding faction, you are not allowed to backstack sand on a factions' outer wall while they are on shield.

    As a defending faction, you are not allowed to fire your buffer counter cannon while you are on shield.

    Punishment: 1-3 Faction Warnings + 3-7d ban to the player who shot.

  • Raid Timer Abuse

    Any attempt or exploiting your raid timer so competing factions are unable to shoot/raid is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to the example of using alt factions to "raid" your own base to keep the raid timer ongoing. This also includes holding factions on raid timer with no intention of raiding them. Any attempt to by pass or find a loophole around this rule will fall under the "Common Sense" clause.

  • Base Rules

    These rules pertain to limits placed on factions' bases. These rules apply to all worlds and bases equally. A faction will only be striked immediately for any base rules if the illegal walls/regens, etc. aided the defending faction in face of a failed raid attempt. If a faction is found to have anything illegal on their base without any attempt on them, then they will be verbally warned and told they have 24 hours to fix it. Factions will only get 1 verbal warning. If it is still there after 24 hours, the faction will be striked. The staff team will not world edit any mistakes out or fix any mistakes.

  • Chunk Buffer Limit

    Factions are allowed up to a 15 chunk buffer of claims around their base. After this limit is reached, you, your allies, your truces and friends are not permitted to claim within the cannoning fire distance radius around the end of the claims. However, these claims are permitted only during raid attempts for the purpose to stop the other faction and are expected to be removed after the attempt. Factions will only be striked if the excess claims aided the faction and had a direct correlation to their success. Extra claims can be removed upon request without any punishment.

    Punishment: 2 Faction Warnings + Removal of claims.

  • Regen Limits

    You are only allowed 5 regens per side of your base. You are allowed 1 regen bar, also known as an anti-255. This type of defense does not fall towards the total regen limit. There are a lot of different versions of regens, so it is recommended to ask a strike team member if your regens are allowed before using them. The disallowed regens are as follows:

    - 45/Staircase Regens

    - Diagonal Regens

    - Regen Filters

    - Regen Chests

    - Pilters

    Punishment: 1 Faction Strike for each set of extra/illegal regens + Removal of the regens.

  • Base Limits

    You are only allowed to have one 15x15 chunk base (no irregular shapes) that holds spawners. Any other bases created are assumed to be chest vaults/farms, etc. and cannot have spawners in them. All bases must be 25 chunks apart from one another. Only allies may live inside of your faction buffer. If anyone other than your allies are found living inside of your base, their spawners will be removed and receive a 7d ban.

    Punishment: 1 Faction Warning + Removal of the spawners.

  • Side Protection Limits

    Side protection refers to any walls created on the sides of any walls (usually regens) to protect factions from shooting the side of them.

    - Side protection regens may only be whatever the current regen rules are for that map. For example, if you are allowed 5 regens, no pilters; then you can only have 5 regens, no pilters as side protection. This is only for the regens; the next point covers walls.

    - Side protection walls may only be 10 chunks of flats.

    - Players may not add side protection walls to already established side protection.

    Punishment: 2 Faction Warnings + Removal of the extra side protection.

  • Illegal Blocks on Base

    You can only use full blocks on a base with the exception of slabs. You are not permitted to use cobwebs, chests, enderchests, etc. as defense. Cobwebs can be used in your base as a means of marking/adjusting, etc. but cannot be used as defense.

    Punishment: 1 Faction Warning + Removal of the illegal blocks.

  • Patch Oceans

    You are not allowed to ocean your buffer to create a patch ocean.

    Punishment: 1 Faction Warning + Removal of the patch ocean.

  • Illegal Base Interior

    You are not permitted to build any typical base defenses inside of your base.

    - You are not allowed to have any regens inside your base; however, you may create regenerating reverse layers between base floors.

    - You are permitted to create boxes as long as they adhere to box limits with water/lava protecting the outside of them. Only your allies may live in a base with you.

    Punishment: 1 Faction Strike + Removal of the defenses.

  • Finnster Limit

    You are only allowed 1 chunk of Finnster/Antinukes per side of your base.

    Punishment: 2 Faction Warnings + Removal of the extra finnster walls.

  • Buffer Counter Limits

    You are only allowed 1 buffer counter per side of your base, and that buffer counter can only fire on that side of the base. Meaning, no 360 barrels are allowed for a buffer counter to fire on the other side of the base i.e. if it is placed on the West side of your base, it must fire on the West side only.

    - All buffer counters must be inside of your buffer and cannot reside inside of your base.

    Punishment: 1 Faction Strike + Removal of the buffer counter.

    Each buffer counter can only be protected with 2 regens (no pilters) and 80 flats. The flats must fit within 10 chunks.

    Punishment: 1 Faction Strike + Removal of the buffer counter's extra walls.

  • Distance from World Border

    Bases that are placed against the world border cannot be more than 3 chunks away from the world border.

    Punishment: 2 Faction Warnings for every 24h it is not fixed.

  • Box Sizes

    All boxes in the base must be a minimum of 60 blocks high. You are not permitted to make multiple small boxes for your spawners to stop factions from raiding them. This includes, but is not limited to, boxes that have no obvious intention of using the spawners for grinding/money-making methods, but yet are for the intention of storing spawners and the avoidance of other factions raiding that box. This rule is up to Strike Team discretion on the legibility of Small Boxes.

    Punishment: 2 Faction Warnings + Opening up the box.

  • Corner Claims

    After the hour of the map, owning more than one corner (across all dimensions) either as one faction or in an alt faction is not allowed. In order to hold a corner claim, you must have at least half the faction limit size of that map in your faction i.e. if the faction limit is 10, then you must have 5 real players to hold a corner.

    Punishment: Removal of extra corner claims.

  • BClaims

    B-Claims on Bases are strictly prohibited. A B-Claim is defined as any claim that interferes with a faction's intended base claim. If two base claims are in conflict with each other and one is a corner claim, the corner claimed base will take priority in this rule. Otherwise, the faction with the more members will take priority.

    This B-Claim rule is only enforced during the Grace Period on Minecadia.

    Punishment: Removal of claims.

  • Faction Rules

    These are general rules which pertain to factions as a whole: how they behave as a faction as well as /f top placements. A lot of the following rules are general guidelines that could have a large range of impact on /f top standings. For that reason, most of the punishment is determined by the strike team on a case-by-case basis.

  • Inappropriate Names and Descriptions

    Players are not permitted to name their faction inappropriate, racist, discriminatory, or derogatory names. This rule also includes the faction description. Players are also not allowed to create faction descriptions that advertise other servers, mask inappropriate links, etc. Failure to comply will result in punishment at the working admin's discretion and a change in the faction name.

    Punishment: Change of name/description + 1d ban if continued.

  • Members in Base

    Only your faction and your allies may live in a base with you, you are not allowed to base with any faction that is not your ally.

    Punishment: Removal of spawners + 7d ban to extra player(s).

  • Faction Merging

    Faction merging is defined as combining two factions for the benefit of one where all (or some) spawners or members go into one faction/base. Merging on Minecadia is not encouraged; however, it can be done under certain circumstances. A merge constitutes that the faction left behind will not and cannot run for /f top anymore.

    - Factions may not combine with each other at the end of the season to gain an unfair advantage on /f top.

    - You cannot give any form of value to another faction (spawners/money) during the map.

    - Any merging before grace is fully permitted. Any merging after grace must be confirmed by a strike team leader.

    - You are permitted to merge players as that is the players’ own decision; this will be considered joining a different faction and not merging. (no value can be taken along when joining the faction). Any value brought over will be removed.

    Punishment: DQ to faction(s) involved.

  • Strike Evasion & Benefit

    Any factions attempting to evade their strikes by creating a new faction or in any other way will have all strikes given to the new faction.

    Similarly, if a faction that you’re allied to ingame receives a strike you will receive ½ of the punishment that your ally received.

    Punishment: Transfer of strikes.

  • Hiding Value

    Hiding F Top Value is prohibited on Minecadia. A spawner can be mined and moved within faction claims but may not be removed entirely from the base. You must place the spawners back down in the base within 15 minutes of mining them. You may not place spawners in the wilderness. All value must be placed within your baseclaim.

    Hiding value is considered as the following but not limited to:

    - Placing the spawners in containers (chests, hoppers, dispensers.)

    - Hiding spawners in players' /pv's, /ec's.

    - Hiding spawners in faction's /f chest.

    - Listing spawners on /ah without the intention to sell as a means to store them.

    Bottom line is that all spawners must be placed in your baseclaim. If it is not there, it's probably illegal! Upon discovering hidden value in a player's possession (pvs, ecs), players will be given 24h by a strike team member to place them down. If the spawners are not placed by then, they will be removed and the faction will be striked. Any hidden value in wilderness vaults, other bases, etc. will be removed & striked immediately with no warning.

    Punishment: 1-2 Faction Strikes (depending on how much value is hidden) + spawners removed + 7d ban for involved individuals.

  • Hiding Value with Shield

    Utilizing the shield plugin in order to make your spawners unraidable is not allowed. This is defined as mining, creeper egging, or blowing up spawners before your shield goes off, and placing them back when your shield goes on. Doing so makes your spawners impossible to be raided and is strictly prohibited.

    Punishment: 1 Faction Strike + spawners removed + 5d ban for player.

  • Alt Factions

    Alt Factions are allowed, however, a faction cannot try to take multiple F-Top positions.

    Punishment: DQ to alt faction.

  • Faction Boosting

    Faction boosting is the case where another faction allows you to raid their value.

    - You are not permitted to raid a faction which you have shared multiple members with on multiple occasions.

    Punishment: 1 Faction Strike + removal of value obtained.

  • F Top Deals/Allying

    Factions may not make deals with other F-Top factions for F-Top crates/buycraft for their safety/protection.

    Punishment: DQ to faction(s).

  • Defending Rules

    The following rules pertain to limits placed on factions who are defending against another faction's raid attempt. It is important to note that when you are countering a faction's raid attempt, that makes you an attacking faction and must follow all the above rules pertaining to cannoning. As the defending faction, intentionally breaking any rule to stop the raiding faction when they are close to breaching your base will lead to doubling of the punishment.

  • Illegal Patching

    Illegal patching refers to any disallowed way to patch or create walls inside a claim that is being raided to aid your defense regardless if it is inline with the shot or not. An exception to this is any task that is not related to defense such as refilling a cannon with sand. After 7 minutes from the last TNT shot in your claim, you may resume by patching with the following ways. The following ways are considered illegal:

    - Using sand wands to remove sand.

    - Patching while you are invisible.

    - Patching while using printer.

    - Patching with a disguise on.

    - Patching with slime blocks.

    - Patching with gen buckets.

    - Using sand bots to patch.

    Punishment: 2 Faction Warnings + 3d ban to the player who patched.

  • Abusing Shield

    Exploiting the shield plugin to protect anything but than what it is intended for is strictly not allowed. You may only protect your base with a shield; not raiding cannons, farms, derps, traps etc. Using a shield to protect a trap to kill someone will result in their revive.

    - Having alternating shields with your ally faction who lives in your base/buffer to prevent being raided is not allowed. The faction and its ally must set their shield to turn on and off at the same time.

    - Creating and disbanding your faction every time your shield goes off the bypass the shield cooldown is not allowed. Utilizing reboots, or any other method to bypass the cooldown of changing your shield is prohibited.

    Punishment: 1 Faction Strike + 5d ban to player who set the shield.

  • Wilderness Patching

    You may not patch outside of the base claims of your faction's base. This rule also extends to raid/antiraid claims, meaning that patching against a cannon in any form outside of the allowed number of claims for a cannon/base is prohibited on Minecadia.

    - If a raiding faction is shooting through another buffer claim to get to the defending faction and has this claim has no value. The buffer claim being shot through can not patch/defend

    Punishment: 1-2 Faction Warnings (depending on the patch added) + 3d ban to the player.

  • Mining Value

    Factions are not allowed to mine/creeper egg/tnt their value whilst being raided. You are allowed to mine your spawners after the raid timer expires on your claim (10 minutes.)

    This includes watering or covering spawners to prevent the raiding faction from getting to it.

    Punishment: 1-2 Faction Strikes (depending on the amount of value mined) + 5d ban to player who mined + value given to raiding faction with proof.

  • AFKing Walls

    This is up to staff discretion. Afking walls entails leaving an alt or your main at your base walls to listen for or to detect TNT. After 3 offenses factions will be punished.

    Punishment: 1 Faction Strike + 7d ban to AFK player(s).

  • Spawner Placement

    Placing any sort of block (water, obsidian) next to or on spawners is prohibited. If a faction raids you and you have blocked spawners, the staff will open up the spawners for the raiding faction to creeper egg.

    Punishment: 1-2 Faction Strikes + spawners opened up.

  • Illegal Bots

    Illegal Bots refers to any form of external program/client/bot that will aid your faction in some way.

    - TNT Detectors are strictly against the rules. ANY form of notification when TNT/Sand lands in your claims is strictly not allowed. Discord Bots that are used for Wall Checks ARE allowed as long as they are not TNT Detectors. If you're an ally/truce that lives within another factions buffer and break this rule the faction that is contending for f top will be striked.

    - Bots that check inventories for any strategical advantage is strictly forbidden.

    - Any AH sniper bot which aids the faction on /f top will get striked.

    Punishment: Admin discretion.

  • Raid Interactions Rules

    The following rules describe how factions can and cannot interact with each other. As a general rule, if there are no allies or truces in the map, play within your faction only and do not assist others or get help from others. If you are wanting to merge with another faction, we ask that the faction leader opens a ticket in the main discord first for a strike team leader to confirm first.

  • Raid Assisting

    Any player or faction that is not an ally of the defending or raiding faction can not intervene with any players/factions participating in the raid. Truces CANNOT pvp at raids. In order to assist, you must be in the faction or in an ally faction. This includes but is not limited to:

    - Running buffers, checking walls, searching for players/cannons.

    - Countering a cannon for another faction.

    - Building cannons for another faction.

    - Unclaiming/giving cannons or claims to another faction for them to use in the raid.

    - Killing/pvping the other faction, tagging them, or keeping them tagged.

    - Any other way to assist at all.

    Punishment: 1 Faction Strike + 5d ban to the player.

  • Playtime Rule

    To raid or defend with a faction, you must have the majority of your playtime with that faction or a certain playtime requirement. The punishment goes to the faction that the player(s) joined. Logging on to other players accounts to bypass this rule will result in the same punishment to the faction that benefits. This rule also applies when attacking/defending raid outpost.

    - During the first week of the map to defend with any faction, you must have 3 hours of playtime, 12 hours the second week, and after grace it is a 24 hour requirement.

    Examples (during first week):

    - Faction A: 3 hours - Can defend since over 3 hours.

    - Faction B: 4 hours - Can defend since over 3 hours.


    - Faction A: 1 hour - Cannot defend since not majority or 3 hours.

    - Faction B: 2 hours - Can defend since majority.

    Punishment: 2 Faction Warnings + 3d ban to the player.

  • Raid Interference

    You are not allowed to raid a faction’s base while another faction is already raiding that base. If two factions are found to be raiding the same base at the same time, then the faction who started raiding after the other will be punished.

    - Note: The raid timer plugin should prevent this rule from ever being enforced.

    If two factions are locked in raid timer, a third faction cannot try to attempt either of those factions at the same time.

    Punishment: 2 Faction Warnings + 5d ban to the player.

  • Raid Leeching

    While another faction- that is not your ally- is actively raiding a base, you are not allowed to take any value/loot from that raid until their raid timer is up (10 minutes.)

    Punishment: 2 Faction Warnings + 5d ban to the player + all value taken given to the raiding faction.

  • Raid Outpost Rules

    All normal cannoning and base rules apply to the raiding outpost world. The punishments at raid outpost AND raid event will be half (rounded up) of what they are above, based on severity, which is up to the strike teams discretion. For example- since you must adhere to the Raid Cooldown rule in the other dimensions, you must also follow the same rule at raiding outpost, along with every other rule. If you are the defending faction, you must follow all defending rules such as the Illegal Patching & AntiRaid claim rules, and if you are the attacking faction, you must follow all attacking rules such as the Raid Cooldown Rule or Disallowed Cannons Rule.

    - As the raid timer is 5 minutes for the Raiding Outpost, certain rules such as the gen patching rule is reduced to 5 mins as well.

    - All of these rules pertain to raid events as well as the raid outpost base.

  • Prematurely Claiming

    You cannot claim prematurely on any sides of the raiding outpost base when you are the defending faction. In order to put external claims under your faction name, another faction must initiate a raid on the raiding outpost base through either setting up a claim or setting up a cannon, box, etc. The attacking faction must prompt a raid in order for you to claim for the intention of countering. Putting random claims in the world for the intention of blocking other factions from making cannons there or gaining a position to use for countering later is not allowed.

    Punishment: 1 Faction Warning + 3d ban to the player.

  • Modifying Raid Outpost

    You cannot modify the Raiding Outpost base in any way as the defending faction. Just like in the other dimensions, you cannot add/change walls or regens or claims, you cannot do that here either. The raiding outpost base must stay the same amount of claims, same amount of walls, and same amount of regens. You are allowed the fix the existing regens and walls, but any alteration which beneficially changes how the wall functions is prohibited.

    Punishment: 1 Faction Warning + 5d ban to the player.

  • Camping Raid Outpost

    You cannot camp and kill players at the Raiding Outpost Warp. Meaning, you cannot sit at the warp on top of the Raiding Outpost Base and wait for players to warp there and kill them instantly.

    Punishment: 1 Faction Warning + 5d ban to the player.

  • Presides

    Making premade counters as the defending faction is not allowed at Raiding Outpost anywhere. You can only make counters after a faction has initiated a raid through claiming or making a cannon. After a cannon has been used for countering, and the attacking faction leaves, you must unclaim those claims to ensure you aren’t leaving any claims where other factions may need it as such.

    Punishment: 1 Faction Warning + 3d ban to the player.

  • Information

  • All players are expected to stay up to date with the rules page at all times. Any major changes to rules will be announced in #Changelog channel in our discord server. If a rule is broken, the offending players will be subject to punishment under the timelines seen in the rules, or at the discretion of the staff team. These rules are subject to change at any given time, without warning or pre-given context. By connecting to the server, you automatically accept the rules and terms of service listed below, and to accept responsibility done by your account.
  • Players are permitted to account share at their own discretion. However, the player who shared their account will be held liable for any punishment and or rule broken by the player who the account was shared with.
  • In certain cases, the management team reserves the right to change a rule after a player has been punished to protect the community. All rules fall under the discretion of the rules team. Their decision is the final decision made.
  • Common Sense will be used when enforcing all rules.
    If you are making any attempt to bypass or find loopholes around the rules in anyway this is where the common sense rule comes into place. This includes doing actions that negatively affect the gameplay for other players and or puts you and or your faction at an unfair advantage. This rule also includes attempting to argue semantics. This rule is automatically defaulted to admin discretion.
  • Undermining the spirit of the game is strictly prohibited.
    Players who attempt and/or successfully disrupt, abuse, glitch, exploit, etc. in any way that would be deemed as unintended gameplay will be subject to punishment per Management’s discretion.
  • If you require further assistance or clarification on these rules please make a ticket in our discord.
  • Screenshare verified staff hold the right to screenshare players at any given time, for any valid reason. Screensharing may include but is not limited to the use of screensharing tools such as Echo, Anydesk, etc. Refusal to screenshare, no matter the excuse, will result in the player being punished following the same timeline.
  • Purposely performing bannable/strikable offenses will result in a 3 day ban to all involved. Failure to stop will result in the management's discretion for punishment length.
  • The use of nick hider when submitting video or photographic evidence is not permitted in Discord ticket support. Players are subject to having their report, revive request, ticket, etc. denied if failed to comply with this rule.
  • The evidence for offenses tier 5 and below may be shown to the punished player for appealing purposes.
  • Allowed/Disallowed Mods


  • Any Coordinate Mod, Any variation of Printer, Armour Status HUD, Chunk Loader, Console Client, Coordinate Mods, Damage Indicators, FPS Mod (Not the ghost client), F3 + B (Shows entity hitboxes), In-Game Account Switcher, Just Enough Items, JustPvP Mod Pack, Hyperium Client, Keystrokes, LabyMod, Memory fix, Cosmic Client, Badlion Client, Falcun Client *, Crystal Client *, Orbit Client *, *You can use the minimap which shows members of your group on the map, PvpLounge, Optifine, Pixel Client, Lunar Client, MiniMap (without entities), Potion Status HUD, Replay Mod, Schematica, Togglechat, Toggle Sneak, Toggle Sprint, WayPoints, World Downloader, 5-Zig, Ping Tags, Macros (AutoText), Fly Boost 2x maximum.
  • Disallowed:

  • Any sort of Ghost / Inject / Program Client (Vape, Drip, Koid, etc), Any sort of Hacked client, Autoclicker, Double Clicking, Drag and Butterfly Clicking (This is at your own risk if you get banned you're liable to whatever punishment you're given), Debounce time that is less than 10 or greater than 10, Rebinding attack key from Left Click, Auto Farm, Auto Fisher, Auto Jumping Modifications(Auto jumping even without a modification is a punishable offence), Auto Sign, Caverfinder, Chest-ESP, Inventory Tweaks, Left Clicker, Scripts (Allows you to auto-complete a task, AutoText is allowed), Minebot (Only AFK-ing), MiniMap (With entities), MintClient, Modified/Cracked Client Versions (Lunar, Badlion, etc), Player ESP, Ping Spoofing, QuickCraft Mod, Reach, X-ray / texture packs, Free Camming, Pearl Trajectories, Disabling prefetch/sysmain/pcasvc/dps, Regedit.
  • Discord Proof Clarification

  • Any proof for strikes/reports via discord must be submitted in in the following way.
    1 - Have developer mode on: How to turn on Developer mode - > User Settings -> Advanced -> Developer Mode
    2 - Record evidence
    3 - Restart discord: Ctrl + Alt + Delete -> Task Manager -> Right Click Discord -> End Task -> Click Discord
    4 - Go in the messages and show all proof
    5 - Get the user ID: Right Click User -> Copy ID -> Paste the ID in chat to show it in the video (don't need to send just show it)
    6 - Upload Video
  • Video Evidence

  • All video clips need to have evidence of the players being in the faction they are accusing.
    All video evidence needs to contain the Minecadia scoreboard.
    All video evidence must be the full minecraft window.
  • Javascript