
  • All players are expected to stay up to date with the rules listed below, any changes to the rule will be announced in #changelog in our discord server. By connecting to the server, you automatically accept the rules and terms of service listed below, and to accept responsibility done by your account.
  • If a rule is broken, the offending players will be subject to punishment under the timelines seen in these rules, or at the discretion of the rules team. These rules are subject to change at any given time, without warning or pre-given context. All edits will be announced in #changelog as stated above. In certain cases, the management team reserves the right to change a rule after a player has been punished to protect the community. Screenshare verified staff hold the right to screenshare players at any given time, for any reason. Screensharing may include but is not limited to the use of screensharing tools such as Echo, Anydesk, etc. Refusal to screenshare, no matter the excuse, will result in the player being punished following the same timeline.
  • All rules fall under the discretion of the rules team. Their decision is the final decision made.
  • Players are permitted to account share at their own discretion. However, the player who shared their account will be held liable for any punishment and or rule broken by the player who the account was shared with.
  • Purposely performing bannable/strikable offenses will result in a 3 day ban to all involved. Failure to stop will result in the management's discretion for punishment length.
  • Common Sense will be used when enforcing all rules.
  • Players who attempt and or successfully disrupt, abuse, glitch, exploit, etc. in any way that would be deemed as unintended gameplay will be subject to punishment per Management’s discretion.
  • The use of nick hider when submitting video or photographic evidence is not permitted in Discord ticket support. Players are subject to having their report, revive request, ticket, etc. denied if failed to comply with this rule.
  • Tier 1:

    Punishments in this tier will follow the ladder below:
    Offence #1: Warning
    Offence #2: 30m mute
    Offence #3: 1h mute
    Offence #4: 3h mute
    Offence #5: 6h mute

    Offenders who have more than 5 punishments for this offence will receive punishment at management's discretion.
    Mute history expires at the end of the map.
    Tier 1 Rules
    Misleading Information / Chat Trolling
  • Telling players information that may negatively affect them, i.e “/ci confirm to get a free set”
  • Spam
  • Spamming the same/similar 5 messages in a row in global chat.
  • Spamming an unusual amount of characters or irregular characters, such
  • as; “LLLLLLLLLLLLL” or “[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]”
  • Spamming commands that are visible by other player/s.
  • Promoting any sort of spam, i.e “say 1 if you want 100 dollars in-game”
  • Spamming capital letters
  • Links in chat
  • You are only allowed to post Minecadia related content in chat, i.e YouTube Videos or Streams. When advertising a stream you can only post the link every 5 minutes. Any other link will be considered a breach of this rule.
  • Advertising IRL Trading
  • Advertising a trade for any in-game items for IRL currency such as (PayPal, CashApp, Venmo, Crypto, etc) or vice versa in public chat is against the rules and will lead to a punishment. This includes trades involving other servers or games.

  • Tier 2:

    Punishments in this tier will follow the ladder below:
    Offence #1: 1d mute
    Offence #2: 3d mute
    Offence #3: 1d ban
    Offence #4: 3d ban
    Offence #5: Permmute and 7d ban (Appeal EOTW)
    Mute history expires at the end of the map.
    Tier 2 Rules
    Suicidal Encouragement
  • Any form of suicidal encouragement said to another player or island is not allowed, in-game or IRL. Examples include but are not limited to, “KYS” “Hang yourself” "End your life" etc.
  • Death Threats
  • Death threats towards another player and or island is strictly prohibited. Death threats may include but is not limited to, "I am going to kill you and your family".
  • Excessive Player/Staff Disrespect
  • An extreme amount of disrespect towards any player or staff member. Any references to events or terms that users may find distressing. This includes but is not limited to jokes or mentions relating to rape or pedophilia.
  • Discrimination
  • Discriminating against users. This includes (but is not limited to) illnesses, diseases, disabilities, race, religion, culture, gender identities or expressions, and sexual orientations.Calling someone "retard" (and its word variants) will result in a 6hr mute for the first offence. Words such as "autistic or sped" will still follow the punishments listed within this tier.
  • Inappropriate Chat Content
  • Inappropriate chat content is any chat content that is viewed as inappropriate, offensive or abusive. An example of this would be talking about ‘Rape’ ‘Pedophilia’ ‘Pornography’ ‘Drugs’.
  • Inappropriate Item Names
  • Players are not allowed to rename items that have inappropriate names, symbols, or drawings. If players do not rename it after being asked, an admin will take the item and it will not be returned.

  • Tier 3:

    Punishments in this tier will follow the ladder below:
    Offence #1: 3d ban
    Offence #2: 7d ban
    Offence #3: 14d ban
    Offence #4: 30d ban
    Offence #5: Permanent Ban
    Offenders who have more than 5 punishments for this offence will receive punishment at management's discretion. Some offenses may warrant a strike.
    Ban history expires at the end of the map.
    Tier 3 Rules
    Inappropriate Builds
  • Building anything (including pixel arts) which can be deemed as inappropriate by the staff team. This could include but is not limited to Genitalia, Swastika and other extremist symbols.
  • Illegal Block Use
  • Placing, pushing, or doing anything to a block (or creating a similar scenario) that inhibits a player's ability to pot is not allowed. Additionally, hitting a player into something that does this is also not allowed. You may hit players into Cobwebs, but you may not place cobwebs on a players head.
  • Block Glitching
  • Breaking blocks and/or glitching through blocks to hit someone is not permitted. Performing this action and having it result directly or indirectly in the death of a player will result in a ban. Players who are warned for this action (in less severe cases) and continue to do it will be banned.
  • Teaming In Events
  • Teaming in an event will result in a punishment.
  • Safezone Noise Spamming
  • Making intolerable noises next to/in a safe zone will result in a punishment. (1d ban)
  • Allying
  • You are permitted to only team with your island members. All scenarios are up to admin discretion due to how it can vary. Players cannot join an island mid event and then go participate in the event.
  • Event Alting
  • Using your main account and alternate accounts in the same event will result in a punishment. If seen you will be kicked from the event but if you consistently join the events will alternate accounts you will get the punishment according to the rule. This includes using proxies to bring an alt into voyages or dungeons

  • Tier 4:

    Punishments in this tier will follow the ladder below:
    Offence #1: 7d ban
    Offence #2: 14d ban
    Offence #3: 30d ban
    Offence #4: Permanent Ban (appealable)
    Offenders who have more than 4 punishments for this offence will receive punishment at management's discretion.
    Ban history expires at the end of the map.
    Tier 4 Rules
    Griefing Minecadia Official Builds
  • Any grief that may be done to all Minecadia official builds.
  • Combat Evasion
  • Evading the combat tagging system. This includes a machine using ender pearls to escape areas that are specific times or allowing a pearl to sit in stasis whilst the chunk is unloaded. Pre-pearls are still allowed.
  • Minor Glitching
  • Abusing any minor glitch for personal advantage.(This includes holding/taping down buttons such as left/right click etc,) this also includes freezing your game, punch bowing in expeditions, etc.
  • Fake Warps
  • The creation of fake warps and the use of them for scamming purposes is against the rules. This includes participating in scams by acting afk.
  • Challenge Alting
  • Using more than 1 account to get positions on a challenge is not allowed.
  • Leaderboard Position Alting
  • Using alt(s) to boost player's own or other player's leaderboard position. This rule applies for all leaderboards (existing and new). Any form of boosting (other players, friends, one's self, etc) is also included in this rule. In addition to the ban, the offending player(s) will also be disqualified.
  • Deleting/Privating Evidence
  • All evidence you submit must not be deleted or privated after a punishment/revive has been issued until a week has passed. This is due to appealing reasons. Players who do this will be banned until the evidence is reuploaded.
  • Scamming
  • Scamming players for in-game items is stricly prohibited, if caught doing this, you will receive the corresponding tier punishment and all items that were scammed will be confiscated from your account (YOU WILL NOT BE REFUNDED, TRADE AT YOUR OWN RISK). Saying "no refunds" is still scamming.
  • Scamming includes but is not limited to /ah scamming (renaming an item to look like it's something else in order to misdirect the player, this also includes /icf. A player may be refunded provided the money can be reouped upon investigation. This will strictly follow admin discretion.
  • ICF scamming and trade scamming (specifically filling another person's inventory to make them drop their items)
  • Trying to sell a set that you know will get revived with the purpose of scamming another player will fall under this rule
  • All scamming reports must have adequate evidence to get accepted.
  • Tier 5 (Hacking Related):

    Punishments in this tier will follow the ladder below:
    Offence #1: 14d ban (Banned by staff, or player frozen and logged out while being frozen, Appeal after minimum of 7d)
    Offence #2: 21d ban (Player SS’d and Illegal Modifications found, Appeal after minimum of 10d)
    Offence #3: 30d ban (Player SS'd and SkidSearch logins found, Appeal after minimum of 14d)
    Offenders who have more than 3 punishments for this offence will receive punishment at management's discretion.
  • Players who are frozen and or brought in to be screenshares may admit/confess to cheating and or using blacklisted modifications on keep their inventory. Players who do not admit/confess upfront and have a screenshare performed (applies for both echo and manual screenshares) and are found guilty will have their inventory removed from their person. Any attempt to bypass, find a loophole, or argue semantics/technicalities will fall under the common sense rule and will not be tolerated.
  • Players are permitted to account share at their own discretion. However, the player who shared their account will be held liable for any punishment and or rule broken by the player who the account was shared with.
    Ban history expires at the end of the map.

    Tier 5 Rules
    Admission of Hacking
  • If you have been frozen by a member of staff and you admit to your wrongdoings, you will be punished for a shorter time (Every offence for this increases by 7 days ).
  • Logging to Avoid Being Screenshared
  • Logging out/Disconnecting to avoid being ss'd, i.e, after a tournament will DQ player(s) from the rewards.
  • Use of Blacklisted Modifications
  • Any use of disallowed software, or hardware modifications. Read Disallowed/Allowed Modifications at the bottom of this document.
  • SkidSearch Login
  • Having a SkidSearch login that is accessible on any browser is not permitted. If admitted before screenshare is taken, your punishment will be shortened.
  • Admitting to cracking accounts
  • Admitting to hacking, cracking or accessing another user’s account without their consent.
  • Punishment Evasion
  • Evading bans will increase the length of your main account's punishment by 7 days. 3 offences of this will lead to a island warning.

  • Tier 6:

    Punishments in this tier will follow the ladder below:
    Offence #1: 30d ban (Can Appeal)
    Offence #2: Permanent Ban (Can Appeal)
    Offenders who have more than 2 punishments for this offence will receive punishment at management's discretion.
    Ban history expires at the end of the map.
    Tier 6 Rules
    Buycraft Scamming
  • Scamming users in trades that involve Buycraft purchases.
  • Advertisement
  • Advertising with the intent of bringing players to another network.
  • Scripting/Botting
  • Chat botting/scripting/macro'ing is not allowed on the server. Punishment will default to admin discretion
  • Any use of spam botting chat is not allowed, this includes creating/disbanding island(s), private DMS and spamming any other command which is visible by players.
  • If you are caught scripting any kind of farm, the farm will be removed by staff. Your island will also recieve a strike per scripting ban.
  • Major Glitching
  • Any glitching that may significantly affect the server/season. Examples include spawnning bosses on koth/citadel caps, phasing (varies), etc.
  • Association With Blacklist Evaders
  • Any association with a blacklisted player will result in a 14 day ban.
  • Fake Proof
  • Attempting to use fake or modify/edit proof to receive personal gain/advantage and or to get another player/island banned. The punishment would be reversed on the person reporting resulting in the report and its subsequent evidence to be void.
  • Inappropriate Account
  • Any username/skin/cape/profile-picture/status that violates our rules. (You are banned until changed)
  • VPN Use
  • Use of any VPN is prohibited.
  • Clearing Recycling Bin Before Screenshare
  • If caught clearing your recycling bin before your screenshare, you will be punished according to the ladder of this tier.
  • Refusal to ScreenShare
  • If you refuse to accept a screenshare you will be punished according to the ladder of this tier.
  • Recording whilst Being Screenshared
  • Recording whilst being screenshared is not allowed.
  • Tier 7:

    Punishments in this tier will follow the ladder below:
    Offence #1: Management's Discretion
    [Removal from Network]
    Offenders who have more than 2 punishments for this offence will receive punishment at management's discretion.
    Tier 7 Rules
    Dox/Ddos Threats/Release/Admission
  • Threatening to or releasing the personal information of another user, or admitting to holding personal information. Threatening/Admitting to DDoSing another user.
  • SWAT Threats/Admission
  • Threatening/Admitting to Swatting another user.
  • Malicious Blackmail
  • Maliciously blackmailing another user.
  • Unsafe Links/Account Theft
  • Linking harmful URLs to harm or obtain personal data from other users. This includes account theft.
  • Glitch Distribution/withholding glitches
  • Giving or selling glitches to other players and withholding those glitches.
  • Crashing Server
  • Attempting to crash the server in any way.
  • Duping
  • Any dupe that has been abused will give you a punishment based on management's discretion.
  • Chargeback
  • Charging back after buying something from our store. This is non-appealable.
  • Rule Evasion
  • If you try to evade any rule or twist any rule to your advantage you may be punished.
  • Lying to staff
  • If you lie to staff you may be punished depending on the severity.
  • Island Offenses
  • Insiding an island is not allowed, this will be punished with an EOS Ban.
  • Any form of griefing of the island is not permitted.
  • Every situation is handled on a case-by-case basis. Senior staff holds the discretion to determine what is defined as an inside.
  • We highly recommended having your island members enable 2fa to protect against insiding.
  • This will result in a permanent ban and disqualification from eligibility to compete for Island Top (dependent on severity)
  • Island Merging
  • Islands may not combine with each other at the end of the season to gain an unfair advantage on Island Top.
  • You cannot give any form of value to another island.
  • You are permitted to merge players as that is the players’ own decision; this will be considered joining a different island and not merging. (no value can be taken along when joining the island). Depending on the amount value maye be removed and or DQ'd
  • Island Boosting
  • Boosting another island in any way is prohibited. To boost means to assist a team or player to gain an advantage over other islands/teams. This includes but is not limited to buying or selling items for unreasonably below price/market value, or simply giving item/value in mass quantities to targeted islands for free or an unreasonably low payment. Failure to comply will result in the removal of the boosted items as well as a ban from the network that will be left at admin discretion.
  • Disqualification Evasion
  • Disqualification evasion includes but is not limited to selling value to others for low prices, creating new islandds to compete for is top or joining other islands to help gain payout.
  • Trading for Value
  • Unfairly trading for value is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to Whole Islands, Value, gold etc... Failure to comply with this rule will result in an admin dealt punishment.
  • Alt Islands
  • Islands must have 1 Main Island and 1 Main island only. You are only permitted to have an alt island for playershops and public grinders. Any farms / forms of income that aren't located on the Main Island, such as Iron Golem Grinders with private loot are not allowed. Public griners are allowed if the loot is shared and not sold. This rule extends to using alt islands for island upgrades. Anyu alts caught with island upgrades on an alt island will be punished in the same way.
  • Impersonating Staff
  • Making discord accounts or minecraft acccounts to impersonate staff is not permitted.

  • Report Clarifications

    Discord Proof Clarification
  • Any proof for strikes/reports via discord must be submitted in in the following way.
  • 1 - Have developer mode on: How to turn on Developer mode -> User Settings -> Advanced -> Developer Mode
  • 2 - Record evidence
  • 3 - Restart discord: Ctrl + Alt + Delete -> Task Manager -> Right Click Discord -> End Task -> Click Discord
  • 4 - Go in the messages and show all proof
  • 5 - Get the user ID: Right Click User -> Copy ID -> Paste the ID in chat to show it in the video (don't need to send just show it)
  • 6 - Upload Video
  • Video Evidence
  • All video clips need to have evidence of the players being in the island they are accusing.
  • All video evidence needs to contain the Minecadia scoreboard.
  • All video evidence must be the full minecraft window.

  • NOTE: Any Administrator will have full rights to extend/reduce punishments beyond the "typical" duration. If felt appropriate by the Administrator, punishments can also be put in place for something that would negatively affect either the server, staff team, or other players' experience on the network.

    You cannot undermine/attempt to bypass any of the rules on this rule page.

    Allowed/Disallowed Mods

  • Any Coordinate Mod
  • Any variation of Printer
  • Armour Status HUD
  • Chunk Loader
  • Console Client
  • Coordinate Mods
  • Damage Indicators
  • FPS Mod (Not the ghost client)
  • F3 + B (Shows entity hitboxes)
  • In-Game Account Switcher
  • Just Enough Items
  • JustPvP Mod Pack
  • Hyperium Client
  • Keystrokes
  • LabyMod
  • Memory fix
  • Cosmic Client
  • Badlion Client
  • Falcun Client *
  • Crystal Client *
  • Orbit Client *
  • *You can use the minimap which shows members of your group on the map
  • PvpLounge
  • Optifine
  • Pixel Client
  • Lunar Client
  • MiniMap (without entities)
  • Potion Status HUD
  • Replay Mod
  • Schematica
  • Togglechat
  • Toggle Sneak
  • Toggle Sprint
  • WayPoints
  • World Downloader
  • 5-Zig
  • Ping Tags
  • Macros (AutoText)
  • Fly Boost 2x maximum
  • Disallowed (Includes but is not limited to):
  • Any sort of Ghost / Inject / Program Client (Vape, Drip, Koid, etc)
  • Any sort of Hacked client
  • Autoclicker
  • Double Clicking
  • Drag and Butterfly Clicking (This is at your own risk if you get banned you're liable to whatever punishment you're given)
  • Debounce time that is less than 10 or greater than 10
  • Rebinding attack key from Left Click
  • Auto Farm
  • Auto Fisher
  • Auto Jumping Modifications(Auto jumping even without a modification is a punishable offence)
  • Auto Sign
  • Caverfinder
  • Chest-ESP
  • Inventory Tweaks
  • Left Clicker
  • Scripts (Allows you to auto-complete a task, AutoText is allowed)
  • Minebot (Only AFK-ing)
  • MiniMap (With entities)
  • MintClient
  • Modified/Cracked Client Versions (Lunar, Badlion, etc)
  • Player ESP
  • Ping Spoofing
  • QuickCraft Mod
  • Reach
  • X-ray / texture packs
  • Free Camming
  • Pearl Trajectories
  • Disabling prefetch/sysmain/pcasvc/dps
  • Regedit
  • Island Strikes and Bans:

    Strike System

    Our Skyblock strike system works on bans within an island and disobeying rules, the strikes you may obtain could be from either your island member(s) breaking a rule or one of the three listed below:

    10 Island Bans = 1 Island Strike (this includes all types of bans)
    Blacklisted Player = 1-2 Island Strikes Depending on Severity
    3 Island Warnings = 1 Island Strike
    Any staff issued ban as a result from a screenshare will result in a Island Warning. Any attempt to mass report and or abuse this rule will be handled the same as strike wars

    All of the strikes information below will be counted at the end of the season. NOTE: all strike reports must be submitted within 24 hours of said offense. Any of the offenses above goes to the island it benefits.

    All strikes will go to the island that benefits from the broken rule. This will be under Admin Discretion.
    1 strike = Warning Strike
    2 strikes = 10% Reduction of Value
    3 strikes = 30% Reduction of Value
    4 strikes = 40% Reduction of Value
    5 strikes = DQ

    Note: Certain offenses will result in an instant disqualification.